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Pediatric Mental Health: A Compendium of AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Policies Paperback and eBook Package

Price: $119.90
Member Price: $95.90


Buy Print Book and Save 50% on eBook with this exclusive package offer!

The Pediatric Mental Health compendium is your source for trustworthy recommendations on quality care of children and adolescents with mental health issues.

This compendium features the new ADHD clinical practice guideline plus more than 30 AAP  policy statements, and clinical reports and technical reports related to mental health.


Product Code: MA0943P

Pediatric Mental Health: A Compendium of AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Policies [eBook]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: eBook

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-365-8

Product Code: MA0943

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: In Stock

Pediatric Mental Health: A Compendium of AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Policies [Paperback]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: Paperback

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-364-1

Product Code: MA0943

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: In Stock

Pediatric Mental Health: A Compendium of AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Policies Paperback and eBook Package

Price:: 119.90

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