Pediatric Collections offer a clear path to implementation.
The most recent best practices in pediatric medicine and trending issues in child health are covered in Pediatric Collections, which have been edited by experts in the field.
Custom content not published anywhere else succinctly explains key findings and recommendations for improvement in policy, education, and implementation into practice, and complements key policy statements and research.

Pediatric Collections: Digital Media Package
This 3-part series addresses Ecosystems, Media Effects, and Use of Media as a Tool and is helpful for counseling families adopting evolving technology including artificial intelligence (AI).

Pediatric Collections: Food Insecurity
Learn scalable interventions to address food insecurity within your practice and community.

Pediatric Collections: Pulmonology Cases: Case Reports from Pediatrics in Review
Covering the full spectrum of pediatric pulmonology, find valuable case-based guidance on the diverse causes of hypoxemia, differential diagnoses for cough, and strategies for evaluating respiratory distress amidst a range of potential causes.