Learn how to successfully interact with youth and families affected by tobacco use. Find handouts and other informational items that you can offer as a resource. The informat​​ion presented here covers many audiences: smokers, non-smokers, people who live with a smoker, concerned parents, youth, expectant mothers, Spanish language speakers and those who use alternative forms of tobacco. 

For more resources, see Parents & Families. 

For state-specific resources, see State-Specific Information. 

Youth and Family ​​​​Education 

Find resources to assist in educating youth and families about tobacco use and secondhand smoke. 

Youth and F​amily Handouts 

This section includes handouts you can offer to youth and families to help educate them on the harms of tobacco and secondhand smoke. All handouts in PDF format. 

For more resources to hand out to your patients to educate them on becoming smoke-free, please see Solving The Puzzle — Cessation

Communicating with Youth and Families 

Smoking cessation can be one of the hardest things a person will ever try to do. Studies have shown that most smokers want to quit, but need a little help. You can be the difference between failure and success in a person’s quit attempt. 

  • Role-playing exercises 
    Role playing exercises can be done in pairs: one player takes the role of the clinician and the other takes the role of the patient or parent. Once the exercise is completed (in about 5 minutes), roles are reversed for the next exercise. It is important to “say the words” in order to gain the most benefit from the exercises. The exercises help to develop counseling skills and supportive language. The two documents below cover different areas- one focuses on counseling patients, the other focuses on counseling parents and families. 
  • Counseling Patients 
  • Counseling Parents and Families 
  • 5 As Guide to Cessation 
Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics