Three times a year, after each CPT Editorial Panel/American Medical Association/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) meeting cycle, we send out brief updates to summarize actions that are relevant to pediatric primary care as well as medical and surgical subspecialists. ICD-10-CM updates will be included with these updates twice a year, in the spring and fall as they meet only twice annually.

We encourage you to consider any coding needs you may have as we are here to help you through the process.

AAP Members, Chapters, Sections, and Councils can play a significant role in the development and valuation of new/revised CPT codes and the revaluation of existing CPT codes felt to be misvalued. In addition, COCN needs your help to identify ICD-10-CM codes that are no longer applicable, incorrect, or yet to be developed for new diagnoses.

As such, COCN welcomes the opportunity to meet with you or your group to discuss coding/valuation opportunities and/or concerns. However, please remember that any new CPT or ICD code you would like developed we require a champion to work with COCN through the process as the content expert.

If you would like a COCN member to attend/call into an upcoming meeting, please contact Teri Salus, COCN staff, at


January 2025
August 2024
March 2024

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics