The AAP has developed trainings to provide those participating in TEAMS, school health staff and related health professionals with an opportunity to review school health topics with their team. These trainings are intended to be facilitated by school and other health professionals to provide training and encourage discussion in short 15-20 minute presentations. Each training consists of presenter slides and facilitator speakers notes. These materials can be presented anywhere from team meetings to professional development opportunities.



This learning burst describes the purpose and key components of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. It also explains how these laws apply to health information-sharing in the school setting with a few examples.

Making a Referral

This learning burst defines the term referral, describes five key steps of an effective school-based referral for health services and explores opportunities to formalize the referral process in your institution.

Management of Food Allergy in Schools

This learning burst explains what it means to have a food allergy, the impacts food allergies have on children and adolescents, the key priorities for managing food allergies in schools and how to manage food allergies based on effective partnerships.

School-Based Health Centers

This learning burst explains what school-based health centers (SBHCs) are, the impact they can have on health, educational outcomes and equity, and how to partner with local SBHCs.

Addressing Chronic Absenteeism from School

This learning burst, co-developed with Attendance Works, describes the major causes of absenteeism, identifies interventions to improve attendance and reduce inequities, and discusses how schools and healthcare providers can collaborate to promote school attendance. Lead Contributing Author: Attendance Works

Community Partnerships: Improving Student Oral Health in Schools

This learning burst explores existing pediatric oral health disparities, possible partners to improve pediatric oral health outcomes, and steps that school health staff can do to improve oral health of their students. Lead Contributing Author: Deborah J Mattheus PhD, APRN-RX, CPNP, FAAN

Strategies to Manage Infectious Diseases

This learning burst provides practical strategies to help prevent and manage the spread of infectious diseases in K-12 school settings. Contributing Author: Alice Sato, MD, PhD, FAAP.

Leveraging Partnerships to Manage Infectious Diseases

This learning burst discusses how and why schools, pediatricians and families can work together to prevent and manage infectious diseases in the school community. Contributing Author: Beverly L. Nazarian, MD, FAAP.

Supporting a Student Experiencing an Anxiety Attack at School

This learning burst provides basic information about anxiety attacks and strategies a school professional can use if they encounter a student experiencing an anxiety attack.

Care Coordination and Schools 101

This learning burst defines care coordination, describes the roles of school nurses, the medical home, and families in care coordination in schools and explains the benefits of care coordination. This learning burst was adapted from a presentation developed by Kristy Vitter MPH, BSN, RN.


Culturally Effective Health Care

The following 3 learning bursts relate to providing culturally effective health care in schools. It is recommended that these 3 trainings be completed in this order:

CEHC 1: Health Equity in Schools

This learning burst explores how the focus on equity advancement in schools, using approaches rooted in the understanding of health disparities and COVID-19, can impact students and their communities.

CEHC 2: Culturally Effective Health Care

This learning burst defines culturally effective health care and its guiding principles in order to identify strategies that best address barriers seen within the school health settings.

CEHC 3: Community Partnerships & Engagement

This learning burst describes how to identify potential community partners and ways to engage them to support the implementation of culturally effective health care practices that improve student health.
Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics