Patient Selection

Eligible infants will be identified through the following 3-step algorithm: 

  1.  Obtain list of all infants 8-60 days evaluated in the ED and/or hospitalized who had: 
    1. A temperature >38.0oC/ 100.4oF in the ED; 
    2. An ICD-10 discharge diagnosis of fever (P81.9, R50.81 or R50.9), if not already identified by (a); 
    3. Urine testing culture AND/OR blood culture obtained, if not already identified by (a) or (b). 
  2. Medical record review of these infants to assess CPG inclusion criteria 
  3.  Include only those who meet the CPG inclusion criteria 


  1.  8 to 60 days of age
  2. Temperature of ≥38.0oC/100.4oF documented at home/clinic in past 24 hours or in ED
  3. Full term (between ≥37 and <42 weeks gestational age)
  4. Well-appearing 


  1. Prematurity 
  2. Chronic medical condition 
  3.  <2 weeks of age with a complicated perinatal course  
  4. Ill-appearance
  5. Diagnosis of bronchiolitis  
  6. Specific bacterial infection on physical examination (e.g., cellulitis, omphalitis, septic arthritis, or osteomyelitis)
  7. High suspicion of herpes simplex virus infection (e.g., vesicles)
  8. Antibiotic treatment within the prior 48 hours  
  9. Immunization within the prior 48 hours 

Measurement Grid




Primary Measure

Appropriate CSF

90% of infants 29-60 days with normal inflammatory markers (and either a negative UA OR a positive UA) DO NOT have CSF obtained 

Primary Measure

Appropriate Disposition from ED 

90% of infants 29-60 days with normal inflammatory markers and negative UA discharged from the ED 

Primary Measure

Appropriate receipt of antibiotics 

90% of infants 29-60 days with normal inflammatory markers and negative UA DO NOT receive antibiotics 

Primary Measure

Appropriate Hospital Discharge 

90% of infants 8-60 days with negative cultures have appropriate discharge from the hospital within 36 hours from the time blood cultures were received by the laboratory 

Secondary Measure

Appropriate follow-up 

75% of infants 22-60 days discharged from the emergency department have documented education with parents about the importance of follow-up within 1 calendar day 

Secondary Measure

Appropriate Parent Engagement: CSF 

75% of infants 22-28 days with normal inflammatory markers and negative UA have documented physician-parent discussion about the harms/benefits of having CSF obtained 

Secondary Measure

Appropriate Parent Engagement: Disposition 

75% of infants 22-28 days with normal inflammatory markers, negative UA, and normal CSF have documented physician-parent discussion about the harms/benefits of hospitalization vs. discharge from the ED after one dose of parenteral antibiotic therapy 

Secondary Measure

Oral Antibiotic Use for Infants 29-60 Days with Positive UAs

 Oral Antibiotic Use for Infants 29-60 Days with Positive UAs  75% of infants 29-60 days old with a positive UA, negative inflammatory markers, and normal CSF (if obtained) receive oral antibiotics (with or without ONE dose of parenteral antibiotic therapy) 

Balancing Measure

Appropriate Evaluation: 8-21 days 

% of infants 8-21 days who have a urinalysis and/or urine culture, blood culture, and CSF culture obtained, and who are hospitalized on parenteral antibiotic therapy 

Balancing Measure

Appropriate Evaluation: 22-60 days 

% of infants 22-60 days who have a urinalysis and/or urine culture, blood culture, and inflammatory markers obtained 

Balancing Measure


% of infants 22-60 days who did not have CSF obtained or receive antibiotic therapy who are readmitted to the hospital within 7 days of discharge 

Balancing Measure

Delayed diagnosis of IBI 

% of infants age 22-60 days discharged from the emergency department or hospital who did not have CSF obtained or receive antibiotic therapy who have a diagnosis of bacteremia and/or bacterial meningitis within 7 days of discharge