Through a 5 year grant received from HRSA, the AAP has established the National Rural Adolescent and Child Health (NRACH) ECHO Training Center to help ensure that children and adolescents who live in rural and frontier communities have access to pediatric mental and behavioral health services and quality pediatric care to support optimal health outcomes and improved quality of life.

The NRACH ECHO Training Center will host ECHO programs for providers to help build capacity and also provide ECHO immersion training and technical assistance to organizations interested in becoming an ECHO hub.

ECHO Programs

Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) programs create knowledge networks by using technology to connect specialty care providers and subject matter experts with care teams in rural and underserved areas.  AAP ECHO programs utilize an “all-teach, all-learn” approach that includes a combination of didactic learning about best-practices, case studies from participants, and quality improvement protocols to improve care delivery.

Ongoing ECHO Programs

Substance Use Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Serves as a forum for pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in rural and frontier communities to address substance use concerns in adolescents using Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), and evidence-based approach to treating substance use.

Upcoming ECHO Programs

Rural Youth Mental Health ECHO
This ECHO aims to support primary care providers and other health care professionals in rural and underserved areas with identifying and treating mental health concerns among children and adolescents.  To learn more about this ECHO click here.  Interested in participating in this ECHO register here.

For more information or questions? Contact the NRACH ECHO Training Center.

Completed ECHO Programs

AAP Rural Pediatrics-Obesity ECHO: The goal of this ECHO was to build the capacity of primary care providers who live in or serve rural and frontier communities to address obesity in pediatric patients in their communities.

AAP Rural Pediatrics-Anxiety and Depression: The goal of this ECHO was to build the capacity of primary care providers who live in or serve rural and frontier communities to provide quality behavioral and mental health care with a focus on anxiety and depression.

AAP Rural Pediatrics-Adolescent Health Communication: The goal of this ECHO is to serve as a forum for primary care clinicians and others that provide care to adolescent patients to develop effective communication strategies and skills that will enable them to facilitate conversations around sensitive and/or psychosocial health topics with adolescent and their families.

Rural Pediatrics ECHO Training

Interested in participating in future Project ECHO trainings on Mental/Behavioral Health and Primary Care in a rural setting?

ECHO Hub Training

ECHO immersion training and technical assistance are available for organizations interested in becoming an ECHO hub to serve children and adolescents in rural communities.

Rural Pediatrics ECHO Learning Collaborative

A quarterly call open to anyone who is currently running, or interested in learning more, about ECHO programs focused on the rural pediatric population.

Training Needs Assessment Survey Results

The AAP conducted a needs assessment survey (July - August 2022) with rural primary care clinicians to determine areas of interest and need to be addressed in a pediatric-focused ECHO program.

View Results



Pediatric Mental Health Care: The Role of the Rural Primary Care Provider
In this webinar participants learned about strategies and best practices for addressing pediatric health issues in their rural primary care settings.
Adolescent Health Communication
Participants learned about the TALK: Toolkit for Adolescent Care project, a clinic-level program created by the University of Minnesota Healthy Youth Development-Prevention Resource Center (UMN HYD-PRC) and were introduced to the Support & Guide framework and how to apply it in their practice
Responding to Pediatric Mental Health Crisis: How Pediatric Mental Health Access Programs (PMHCA) Create Impact in Rural Settings
In this webinar participants learned about the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program (PMHCA) model and what AAP technical assistance, training and resources are available to rural practices to respond to pediatric mental care needs.

Related AAP Resources & Initiatives

Click on the resources below to learn more about related initiatives.

Medical Directors:

Marian Earls MD, MTS, FAAP-Medical Director
Elizabeth Alderman MD, FAAP, FSAHM-Medical Director
Steve North-MD, MPH-Medical Director

AAP Staff:

Debra Waldron, MD, MPH, FAAP-Principal Investigator
Julie Gorzkowski, MSW-Content Director
Julia Matakis, MPH, PCC-Senior Manger, Mental Health Programs
Rosalinda Saucedo, MS, CHES-Program Manger, Rural Health
Oyinkansola Oloniniyi, MPH – Program Manager, ECHO Initiatives
Erika Davis, PhD, MPH – Manager, Program Evaluation

This website is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1,425,000 to date with 100% funded by HRSA/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics