If you are considering participating in a QI project to obtain maintenance of certification (MOC) credits, you may want to consider connecting with

  • Your own health care organization
  • Your local AAP chapter
  • Your state's health department
  • Your academic-affiliated pediatrics department
  • Networks such as those listed below 

The Continuity Research Network of the Academic Pediatric Society is a national practice-based research network comprising pediatric resident continuity practices. Findings are disseminated to improve the training of future pediatricians and the health care of children, with special attention to children from underserved communities.

The National Improvement Partnership Network (NIPN) comprises more than 20 states that have developed improvement partnerships to advance quality and transform health care for children and their families. An improvement partnership is a durable state or regional collaboration of public and private partners that uses the science of QI and a systems approach to changing health care infrastructure and practice. As the nation's first statewide improvement partnership, the Vermont Child Health Improvement Program provides leadership to NIPN. A complete discussion of the origins, evolution, and hopes for the future of these partnerships and NIPN is provided in the Academic Pediatrics journal article The National Improvement Partnership Network: State-Based Partnerships That Improve Primary Care Quality.

EQIPP courses help you identify and close gaps in your practice using practice tools.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics