The following PowerPoint Presentations are available for your use and customization when making presentations about Bright Futures. These slides can be used for training and education purposes in workshops, training programs, community health settings, or any setting when you need to introduce to your audience the core concepts and content of the Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th Edition.

The following presentations are available for your customization:

Bright Futures Guidelines Priorities and Screening Tables

Use these slides ​to customize your presentations with age-specific visit priorities and screening recommendations from the Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th Edition.

Bright Futures Presentations​

View these Bright Futures presentations from various academic and national conferences to support your Bright Futures presentations.​​​​

  • Innovative Strategies: Engaging Families as Partners​
    This information was presented during the 2016 AAP National Conference & Exhibition (10/23/16).​ In this session, faculty (including a parent representative) provided practical tips and strategies to implement family engagement re​sources that promoted engagement without increasing the burden on everyday practice.

Bright Futures Handouts

Visit the Clinical Practice​​​ section to view the series of tip sheets that offer ​practical advice to assist integration of the Bright Futures approach into your clinical setting.​​

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics