Access specially designed online courses, tools, and curricula to learn more and stay current with the latest practice trends.
Bright Futures Mini Training Modules - ​Series​​
These ready-to-use Mini Training Modules are intended to meet the needs of busy pediatric residents and trainees to be used anywhere and anytime. This series of free, asynchronous Mini Training Modules review clinical topics utilizing Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th Edition content, Bright Futures Tool & Resource Kit, 2nd Edition forms and handouts, and additional resources. Each Mini Training Module include a presentation and facilitator ​script.​
Program Directors/Continuity Clinic Directors/Preceptors - consider using these modules as clinical pre-work and/or as a component of group discussion or reflection. Check back periodically for new topics!
(Note: These are for learning purposes only and are NOT approved​ for continuing education credit.)
Agenda Setting in the Clinic
In today's world, often pediatric health care professionals and parents feel rushed with the 15- to 30-minute visits. Parents provide a great deal of information that is crucial to patient care. As pediatric health care professionals, we need to ensure we are obtaining an accurate history and addressing concerns without making others wait or making our own day even longer.
Presentation (PPT or P​DF) | Script (Word or PDF)​
Promoting Food Security
Food insecurity is a critical child health issue that impacts millions of infants, children, youth, and families in all communities across the U.S. Children who live in households with food insecurity are likely to be sick more often, recover from illness more slowly, and be hospitalized more frequently. As pediatric health care professionals, we need to screen and identify children at risk for food insecurity; connect families to needed community resources; and advocate for policies that support access to adequate and healthy food.
Presentation (PPT or PDF) | Script (Word or PDF)
Promoting Developmentally Appropriate Toilet Training
For children to move toward independence from their parents, they need to learn to toilet independently. During the process of toilet training, children may have frequent accidents which can increase the risk for abuse. To make toilet training a positive experience for children and their families, it is important that pediatric health care professionals provide parents with realistic expectations for the process of toilet training, and help parents recognize when children are ready to start toilet training.
Presentation (PPT or PDF) | Script (Wo​rd​ or PDF)
Promoting Oral Health
Oral health has direct impact on systemic health in children. Best practices recommend oral health supervision beginning prenatally and continuing throughout childhood with collaboration between the primary care professional and the dental care professional. Key information will be highlighted that will enable learners to identify risk factors and preventive strategies to promote oral health in young children within a Bright Futures health supervision visit.
Presentation (PPT or PDF) | Script​ (Word or PDF)
Promoting Healthy Growth During Early Infancy
Adequate nutrition during infancy is essential in order to ensure the health, growth and development of infants and children. Key information will be highlighted that will enable learners to use best practices to promote healthy growth beginning in the newborn period and address the barriers that may be present.
Presentation (PPT or PDF) | Script (Word or PDF)
Promoting Social-Emotional Health in Infancy
Establishing social-emotional health and well-being is a core task for the developing infant and those who care for them. Infant social-emotional health, or infant mental health, can be compromised at many critical times in development beginning prenatally with maternal mental health and throughout infancy. Pediatric health care professionals are challenged to promote infant mental health through activities that are aimed at prevention, risk assessment, diagnosis, and appropriate interventions. Key information will be highlighted that will enable learners to identify strategies and how to use best practices to promote social-emotional health during infancy.
Presentation (PPT or PDF) | Script (Word or PDF)
Promoting Social-Emotional Health in Early Childhood
As a pediatric health care professional to children, it is important to recognize the importance of social-emotional health in child development. This learning activity will review that importance, and to review basic childhood social-emotional development, to reinforce the value of providing compassionate and comprehensive anticipatory guidance to parents. Key information will be highlighted that will equip learners with knowledge, tools, and skills to nurture children's social-emotional development.
Presentation (PPT or PDF) | Script (Word or PDF)
AAP Education​
Access valuable tools and resources to stay current in practice for every career stage through AAP Continuing Medical Education.
AAP National Conference & Exhibition - Select Topics (AAP Experience YouTube Channel)
Learn from colleagues about a wide variety of pediatric topics and timely issues (eg, complications of opioid use; safe affordable housing, youth suicide).
AAP Campaigns and Toolkits
Access videos, graphics, information, and sample social media posts to effectively share messages on a variety of child health topics.
Topics include:
- Adolescent Health Care
- #CallYourPediatrician
- Drowning Prevention
- Gun Safety
- Immunizations
- Oral Health
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome​
- Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)​
- Promoting Telehealth
- Safe Sleep
- Screen to Intervene: A Toolkit for Pediatricians to Address Food Insecurity​​
- Suicide Prevention
AAP Project ECHO​​
Project ECHO is a telementoring program bringing together health care professionals and experts in topical areas.
APA US Child Poverty Curriculum​
Gain an understanding of the impact of poverty and other social determinants of health on child well-being through 5 training modules developed by the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) Task Force on Child Poverty.​
Community Pediatrics Training Initiative​
Community Pediatrics Training Initiative (CPTI) is a national program of the AAP that aims to improve child health by strengthening community health and advocacy training in pediatric residency programs​
Education in Quality Improvement for Pediatric Practice (EQIPP)​​​
Access EQIPP, an online learning program that utilizes practical tools and principles of quality improvement to help identify and close gaps in practices. Find the Bright Futures-specific courses (Infancy & Early Childhood; Middle Childhood & Adolescence) on this site.​
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Training Resources​
Discover resources and training regarding the prevention, recognition, and treatment of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.​
Mental Health Residency Curriculum​
Access valuable teaching materials on brief interventions and managing mild to moderate anxiety, created to support continuity clinic preceptors in training residents.​
Mental Health Practice Tools and Resources​
Help to promote healthy mental development and address concerns of your patients with these practice tools and resources.
Pediatric Mental Health Minute Series​
Access a series of videos designed to provide real-time education to support care for children and youth with mental health disorders. These quick, yet in-depth, videos aim to improve knowledge and skills, both during the current national crisis and in the future.​
Oral Health – Protecting All Children’s Teeth (PACT): A Pediatric Oral Health Training Program​
Review educational materials and resources to assist in the training of medical students and residents in oral health.​
PediaLink Courses​
Discover PediaLink, a comprehensive educational and career development tool that includes free online courses for trainees.
Of specific interest:
- Building Positive Parenting ​Skills Across Ages​​
- Fighting Racism to Advance Child Health Equity​
- Milestones Matter: Don't Undere​stimate Developmental Surveillance
- Identifying and Caring for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Course for Pediatric Clinicians
- Pediatric Mental Health Minute Series
PediaLink for Residents Guided Tour​
Take a guided tour of PediaLink for Residents, which includes online courses by AAP authors and content experts, PREP Self-Assessment questions, career, and fellowship information, and more.​
Podcast Series (Various)
Conversations About Care – The Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight, in partnership with Bright Futures, hosts a series that highlights pragmatic and lively conversations between health care professionals about important themes associated with healthy childhood weight.
Making Connections: The Critical Role of Family-Centered Care in Addressing Social Determinants of Health for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) – the National Resource Center for Family/Patient-Centered Medical Home, in partnership with Bright Futures, provides information about the impact of social determinants of health on children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and their families, including implementation strategies for state programs.
Pediatric CARE: Childhood, Adversity and Resiliency Education – The STAR Center hosts conversations for pediatricians and other pediatric health care professionals and partners working to address social determinants of health in their pediatric setting.
Pediatrics On Call – The AAP hosts this series on children's health that features interviews about new research and hot topics in the field of pediatrics.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics