Plan for the Future

Your gift to the Tomorrow’s Children Endowment guarantees the AAP will be ready to respond to the most urgent health care crises impacting children.  Our future is created by our children. 

Tomorrow's Children Endowment

TCE is an endowment fund that enables the AAP to move boldly forward on the pressing issues related to child health care and the quality of that care. We have the ability; we have the tools; and the TCE provides a guaranteed source of funding to make it all possible.  Your gift is a wise investment that stands forever as a statement of your commitment to children and the practice of pediatrics. 

Jay Berkelhamer, MD, FAAP

"As a career pediatrician and ongoing volunteer with the American Academy of Pediatrics, I see first-hand the impact of the AAP mission. I know that kids come first. And I share the belief that ALL kids deserve our best care and advocacy. For that reason, my wife Jackie and I have made the decision to include a gift to the AAP in our estate plan.  We see TCE as a powerful vehicle that helps ensure funding sustainability for child health programs into the future.” 

You Have Choices

A gift today
Your gift is added to the balance of the fund.
A gift through your estate plan
You can include a gift to the Tomorrow’s Children Endowment in your Will, stating that a certain dollar amount or percentage of your estate will pass to the AAP.
Create your own endowment fund
You can create your own endowment fund earmarked for your specific purpose. Your endowment is structured so that a small portion of your gift, rather than the whole amount, is used each year. To perpetuate the fund, the majority of the fund always remains intact and is invested for the future.

Contact Us

To learn more, contact Donor Services or call 888-700-5378, Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm Central. Mail your gift to AAP Development, PO Box 7525, Carol Stream, IL 60197-7525.