Adolescent depression is a common mental health problem characterized by irritable or sad mood that causes significant problems at home, school, and in relationships.

Scope in Pediatrics

  • Adolescents with depression often experience irritability or sadness; changes in their energy, sleep, appetite, and concentration; social withdrawal; feeling of hopelessness; and suicidal thoughts 
  • More than 1 out of 10 adolescents (11.3%) in the US suffer from depression  
    1 out of 6 US high school students have seriously considered suicide 
  • Yet, only a minority of teens with depression receive adequate screening and treatment 

Teaching Points

  • Brief screening tools, such as the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Item modified for teens, can be used to identify adolescents at risk for depression or suicide 
  • Adolescents with depression +/- anxiety, but without suicidal intent, recent suicide attempt, a history of trauma, or a family history of bipolar can be treated in the primary care setting 
  • Combination treatment with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) medication and cognitive behavioral therapy are most effective for moderate severity depression 

Free Apps

  • What’s App 
  • Stop, Breathe, Think 
  • Headspace 

Additional Information


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Special Acknowledgment

The AAP gratefully acknowledges support for the Pediatric Mental Health Minute in the form of an educational grant from SOBI.