Meet the 2023-2024 Youth Advisory Panel

Alexander A.

Youth Advisory Panel

Alexander A. is a junior in high school. Outside of his work with the YAP, he works with Mental Health America and a local DMV organization to combat school mental health stigmas. Coming from a technology background, he’s excited to work on the YAP to bring awareness to how algorithms outside our control impact our state of mind. To stay well online, he makes a "feel-good feed," full of uplifting content, like animal/nature photos and memes.

Amira P.

Youth Advisory Panel

Amira P. is a junior in high school. Beyond the classroom, you can find Amira on her school's varsity basketball team, listening to various music genres, spending time with family and friends, and engaging in community service. Amira’s achievements include serving as a Student Senator twice, participating in a Young Women's Leadership Cohort, and serving as Co-President of her school’s Black Student Union. She also initiated a mentorship program, pairing upper school students with lower school students for support. Amira is currently pursuing her Girl Scouts Gold Award which will entail completing over 100 hours of community service focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare, aligning with her passion. Aspiring to enter the medical field to contribute as a diverse leader and address health inequities, she is driven by a desire to help others. Regarding mental health in the digital age, Amira advises peers to exercise “the power of the pause” by contemplating the appropriateness of posts. Sharing content you're proud of ensures avoiding regret or self-doubt. Amira thinks this simple tip can significantly enhance your online presence.

Bansi B.

Youth Advisory Panel

Bansi B. is a senior in high school. She enjoys baking, gaming, and watching TV with her dog. She is also deeply dedicated to mental health advocacy. Serving as a social media manager for various organizations, Bansi has witnessed both the positives and negatives of social media. These experiences fueled her passion for understanding how to mitigate harm while uplifting the beauty of art, music, advocacy, and empowerment shared online by young people. Looking ahead, Bansi plans to carry this passion into higher education, pursuing a double major in psychology and computer science with the aim of contributing to the mental health technology space. Bansi encourages people to recognize that problematic social media use can often be symptomatic of larger personal, community, or systemic issues. Bansi thinks it’s crucial not to view social media as a scapegoat for all mental health issues, but instead to consider the significant role high-pressure environments, discrimination, economic challenges, and various other vital factors can play on young lives.

Eli G.

Youth Advisory Panel

Eli G. is a freshman in high school. Eli immerses himself in his love for technology and enjoys spending time with friends. During his middle school years, he held positions such as Vice President and Director of IT on the ASB board, ran the Podcast Club, and briefly directed technology for the Debate Club. His future aspirations include attending the University of Washington to study genetics, attending UW Medical School, and becoming a doctor. Beyond his tech interests and socializing, Eli is a dedicated social media user. He acknowledges the dual nature of social media, recognizing its positive impact as a vital connection for teens worldwide. When engaging with social media platforms, Eli prioritizes global connections, seeking to learn about diverse cultures and traditions. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between virtual interactions and real-life connections. Ultimately, Eli believes that when used wisely, social media can serve as a powerful and positive platform.

Jayleen G.

Youth Advisory Panel

Jayleen G. is a junior in high school. Jayleen finds solace in crocheting, particularly in crafting stuffed animals from yarn, a hobby that brings her peace. She also enjoys music, crime documentaries, podcasts, and captivating TV shows, and treasures moments spent with loved ones. An academic milestone for Jayleen was her achievement in Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA), where she secured a top-three spot at the state level in her inaugural year and assumed the role of secretary within the club. In the future, Jayleen aspires to pursue a career in either dermatology or nursing. While navigating her own challenges with anxiety, Jayleen has found a balanced approach to social media, prioritizing mindfulness in her interactions and taking breaks when necessary. She uses screen time limits to remind herself that social media content is not based in reality.

Jessica L.

Youth Advisory Panel

Jessica L. is a sophomore in college, studying French with a minor in Management. She plans to possibly go into event production or event management. Jessica has served for three years with the Technology and Mental Wellness youth advisory board. In addition to serving on the YAP, she is a youth representative on the Center’s Technical Expert Panel. Despite her three years of working in the social media and mental health spaces, Jessica says she still struggles with doom scrolling and getting sucked into social media, especially Instagram and YouTube shorts. A tip that works for her is to silence her phone and put it behind her computer screen.  

Justin K.

Youth Advisory Panel

Justin K. is a senior in high school. He has a passion for sports, serving as the captain of his varsity soccer team and a setter for his varsity volleyball team. Beyond athletics, he serves as the Vice President of his school's Student Council and founded a privacy and cybersecurity club, directly linked to social media. Looking ahead, Justin plans to attend a four-year university to study economics. Overcoming social anxiety has fueled his desire to help others find their voice. Justin uses social media to stay connected with others; his favorite platforms are Instagram, TikTok, and BeReal! Justin loves using these apps as a place of community where people from all backgrounds can come together. For Justin, social media is a dynamic space where he can learn something new every day. Something he would like people to consider about social media and mental health is to allow social media users to be themselves on these platforms because he feels this is what makes social media such a creative and unique platform. 

Kaydin K.

Youth Advisory Panel

Kaydin K. is a senior in high school. Kaydin’s interests include painting, drawing, photography, and ceramics. Kaydin also enjoys swimming, shot put, discus, and spending time with their Doberman dogs and ball python snake. Through engagement in 4-H, Kaydin has excelled in county and state fairs, attended national conferences, and held multiple officer positions. Kaydin currently serves as the club president. In the future, Kaydin aspires to pursue a neuroscience degree in college and explore psychology, research, and statistics. Kaydin’s physical and mental health journey has deepened their interest in health and inspired them to advocate for accessibility at their school. Kaydin’s main platform is Instagram, where they connect with friends, explore health-related posts, and draw inspiration from fellow athletes and artists. While social media has its dangers, Kaydin believes that it can also be a helpful resource for learning and growing.  

Keegan L.

Youth Advisory Panel

Keegan L. is a freshman in college. Keegan is an honors student, majoring in Psychology and Neuroscience. Keegan’s passion centers on mental health and digital wellness, specifically exploring how social media impacts Generation Z. As a published author, co-creator of an international digital wellness curriculum, and a Mental Health America youth leadership board member, Keegan is committed to promoting mental well-being. Keegan travels, educates, and publishes articles to enhance resources and strategies for well-being. While striving for a PhD in Clinical Psychology to become a Professor and Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Keegan acknowledges her own struggles with mental health on social media. Her advice to parents and educators is to guide the next generation by prioritizing in-person connections, embracing solitude, fostering meaningful conversations, and activating healthy reward circuits. These practices instill confidence, empowering youth to make a positive impact in the world.

Lanie F.

Youth Advisory Panel

Lanie F. is junior in high school. She enjoys roller skating, baking, and sewing clothes for her cat, Kiwi. Lanie engages in community advocacy initiatives by serving as the president of the Youth Ambassadors club, membership in NHS, and serving as co-chair of her state’s Student Council leadership convention. While Lanie is still considering future options, she knows that she wants to help others overcome their mental struggles. Having faced social anxiety in public school and experienced social isolation in a cyber school, Lanie possesses a unique perspective. Overcoming these challenges has equipped her with valuable insights that she is eager to share with others facing similar difficulties. For Lanie, social media serves as a crucial tool for connecting with friends; it's a platform she relies on for communication. Despite its highs and lows, Lanie believes social media can be a force for good, especially for those feeling isolated from their peers.

Lily M.

Youth Advisory Panel

Lily M. is a freshman in high school. She loves to read and sometimes write, enjoys cooking, and playing songs on her guitar. Next year, Lily will enter her sophomore year where she has been recommended to enroll in advanced placement (AP) courses in history and biology. She hopes to stay on the AP track, fall in love with extracurricular activities, and strengthen her mental health. In the past year, Lily has struggled with depression and other aspects of her mental health. However, she found that social media helps her relate to others in ways that help her feel better and help her cope. For Lily, one positive aspect of social media is that it helps her maintain close contact with friends.  

Madison W.

Youth Advisory Panel

Madison W. is a junior in high school. She's committed to student advocacy, focusing on critical social issues such as environmental affairs, education policy, mental health, and diversity. Outside of advocacy, Madison finds joy in playing tennis, listening to her favorite artists, and watching horror movies with her friends. In her rigorous International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, Madison’s favorite class is Theory of Knowledge, where she critically examines various scopes of knowledge. As a finalist for her state’s Student Member of the Board of Education, Madison connected with students statewide, campaigning and learning about diverse issues. Madison’s future goals include a law career and global travel. Despite facing physical and mental health challenges since age 12, she maintains positivity with the support of her community, uplifting family, friends, and medical professionals. Madison is actively engaged on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, where she fosters positivity, spreads uplifting messages, and reports negativity. Madison prioritizes safeguarding mental health in the digital age by advocating for screen time parameters, following reliable accounts, and having open conversations with loved ones about online experiences. Madison urges parents to turn social media into a positive and uplifting space through compromise, engagement, and setting examples of safe and positive practices. 

Nira G.

Youth Advisory Panel

Nira G. is a senior in high school. A mystery novel enthusiast who loves crossword puzzles, baking, and Marvel Comics, Nira founded a public charity organization that educates teens on dealing with mental and emotional issues. She also started a mental health awareness club at her school. These initiatives strive to enhance awareness and reduce mental health stigma. Virtual learning challenges during the pandemic intensified Nira’s dedication to mental health advocacy, spurred by witnessing her cousins’ struggles in India. Nira aspires to study psychology and neuroscience in college, driven by a commitment to contribute meaningfully. Active in science fairs and the YMCA Youth in Government program, Nira advocates for mental health resources across government levels. Through her non-profit, she uses various social media platforms, and interviews with experts, to encourage open discussions on mental health. Her non-profit’s motto, "We are the change, and it’s time to reset,” reflects Nira’s mission to destigmatize mental health discussions and empower teens to seek treatment without shame, emphasizing that mental health is physical health.

Ronit C.

Youth Advisory Panel

Ronit C. is a senior in high school. He is a first-generation American born, to Indian parents. Ronit enjoys singing, playing piano, working out, playing basketball, and quality time with friends (usually over food). His school's choir recently performed at a National Conference. Driven by a passion for life sciences, he holds an EMT certification and participates in the Science Olympiad team. Ronit aspires to be a pediatrician specializing in psychiatry. Ronit says that social media played a role in his body image struggles, but also helped him overcome them. Leveraging its benefits and finding reliable sources fostered a positive self-image and healthy habits for his physical and mental well-being. Ronit uses social media to connect with my family in India and his friends in college. Ronit wants parents, peers, and doctors to consider that while social media has downsides, understanding its benefits and using it in moderation is crucial in creating a healthy atmosphere for today’s youth.

Ryan B.

Youth Advisory Panel

Ryan B. is a high school student. He is currently a starter on his school’s varsity basketball team. This is an interest he has been working on for a very long time and is something that he is extremely passionate about. On top of his athletic career, he also strives to excel in the classroom. Ryan is also a member of his school’s CQI club; the club is planning a humanitarian trip to Jamaica where Ryan looks forward to working with children. One goal that Ryan is constantly working towards is becoming a more patient person as having this skill will help him make connections and live a successful life. One social media app that Ryan constantly finds himself on is TikTok. He follows many creators who talk about mental health, specifically as it relates to social media usage. He finds this very helpful for his own mental health.

Ryan L.

Youth Advisory Panel

Ryan L. is a senior in high school. He hosts a podcast, takes part in legislative notetaking at his state’s official Statehouse, and advocates for blindness awareness. Ryan uses Instagram to share his podcast and political insights. Despite facing challenges accessing platforms like TikTok and Snapchat, Ryan sees social media as a powerful tool for education. He is enthusiastic about highlighting its positive aspects and fostering better relationships between developers and the youth demographic. Beyond his advocacy work, Ryan finds enjoyment in swimming, exploring new culinary experiences, participating in Fantasy Football, and helping others with assistive technologies. 

Sadie B.

Youth Advisory Panel

Sadie B. is a sophomore in high school. She is a runner, dancer, and reader. Sadie also competes in varsity cross country. In her free time, Sadie enjoys spending time with friends and family and listening to music. Sadie enjoys school and is currently taking advanced courses in math and science. Sadie’s future aspirations include exploring biology and psychology in and out of school, and eventually pursuing one of those topics in college. Sadie mitigates struggles with social media use, specifically on Instagram, by setting app time limits. Sadie also follows accounts that inspire her and bring light into her day. 

Taanvi A.

Youth Advisory Panel

Taanvi A. is a freshman in high school. Taanvi authored a best-selling book that provides mental health coping strategies for teens. She embarked on a promotional campaign for her book which included raising awareness about mental health. Taanvi’s fervent commitment to mental health advocacy has led her to actively engage in various organizations and initiatives supporting youth well-being. Taanvi’s dedication has earned her various accolades including Humanitarian and Volunteer Service Awards. Beyond advocacy, Taanvi contributes her voice and perspectives as a representative on her school district’s Student Wellness & Safety Task Force. Taanvi is also an active member of the Work2BeWell National Student Advisory Council, a dedicated member of the Advocacy Team for Free2Luv, and a volunteer/ambassador for the Mindspring Mental Health Alliance. Taanvi is dedicated to amplifying youth voices and advancing mental health and well-being. She believes that social media, when used positively, is a powerful tool for mental health advocacy. 

Tanya N.

Youth Advisory Panel

Tanya N. is a freshman in college, pursuing a Bioengineering degree. In her free time, she enjoys exploring new places, trying new things, and watching reality TV. Tanya’s passion lies in all things medicine and robotics, a journey that began in high school. She intends to blend these interests into her future career. As it relates to social media, finding balance is vital for Tanya. While she sometimes feels the need to take a break from, or even delete her social media, she also appreciates its role in connecting with friends. For parents, peers, or doctors considering social media's impact on mental health, Tanya believes that setting mindful boundaries is key. Allocating specific times and being aware of social media's emotional influence is crucial for a healthier digital experience. 

Vakayla D.

Youth Advisory Panel

Vakayla D. is a senior in high school. She enjoys spending time with friends and family, finding joy in the company of her loved ones. Vakayla is very active on social media, utilizing platforms like TikTok and Instagram to connect with friends and share good laughs. While she is aware of the negative impacts of social media, she’s mindful of how she engages with these platforms, appreciating their benefits while being conscious of their potential drawbacks. Vakayla was interested in joining the Youth Advisory Panel due to her passion for youth mental wellness. Her dream is to lend a voice to young children, particularly those of color, who are underrepresented. As a YAP member, she looks forward to contributing to the diverse perspectives within the group and working towards her dream of advocating for those who cannot speak up for themselves.


Funding for the Center of Excellence was made possible by Grant No. SM087180 from SAMHSA of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, SAMHSA/HHS or the US Government.

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American Academy of Pediatrics