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Showing 1 - 8 of 84

Can parental smartphone and social media use impact youth mental health?


Yes, our previous research project found that parental use of smartphones and social media was associated with the mental health of tweens and teens. Multiple studies looking at tweens and teens’ perceptions of their parents’ use of electronic devices show links between parents’ smartphone usage and adolescents’ depressive or other mental health symptoms...

Please help me understand the spectrum of appropriate use of social media for an 18-year-old who finds it helpful but also wonders if it may harm his mental health. He is not sure if it is harming his mental health but wants to know how he can check this and what signs he should look for beyond the classical symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Determining if you have an unhealthy relationship with social media (or any technology) can be tricky! Our previous portal responses go into greater detail about what problematic technology use looks like and ways to prevent problematic technology use.

What can I do if I think my child has been involved in AI-generated, image-based sexual abuse?


This issue is very anxiety-inducing and scary! If you’re a parent or caregiver of a child involved in AI-generated, image-based sexual abuse, it is crucial to put yourself in the kid’s shoes and let them know that you’re there for them and that it’s not their fault...

Is there any research on the psychological impacts of being a victim of synthetic sexual images (aka deepfake porn)?


Although generative AI (artificial intelligence that can generate text, images, or sound) has many potentially positive uses, it can be used in negative ways too. To best understand the research on this topic, it is important to have a shared understanding of what we mean by deepfakes, synthetic pornography, and other related terms...

I’ve been hearing a lot about deepfakes and how apps are letting people create naked images of other people. What is this? Is it pornography and/or AI (artificial intelligence)?


Although generative AI (artificial intelligence that can generate text, images, or sound) has many potentially positive uses, it can be used in negative ways too, especially in the form of deepfakes. Deepfakes are photos or videos that have been manipulated to show an individual doing something that they did not do...

If social media is doing harm to teenagers’ mental health, should it have stricter regulations and why?


To address the first part of your question, it’s important to know that the relationship between social media use and teen mental health is complex. The current scientific evidence shows that there is not a population-level clinically significant effect of social media on mental health...






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