Establish a planning team
The team should consist of people who have expertise in different topic areas. For example, one person can be charged with identifying participants to invite to the exercise, someone else can be responsible for coordinating all the exercise schedule and logistics, and a subject-matter expert can modify the smallpox scenario included with this resource kit, which also includes a list of links to other existing scenarios. Appoint one person to oversee the planning team.
Determine the date the exercise will be held
Hold time with official appointment sent to key participants. Consider sending save the date.
Schedule regular planning meetings for the planning team
Schedule regular planning meetings for the planning team to stay on schedule and keep everybody accountable for their responsibilities.
Decide if the exercise will be held in person or virtually
Both approaches have their benefits. An in-person exercise allows for better interaction, while a virtual event may be more convenient if participants are located far from each other or to conserve on travel funds and other exercise costs.
Meeting logistics
Determine the exercise location, reserve the room and arrange for any audiovisual equipment or virtual meeting platform capabilities.
Adapt the purpose, scope and objectives of the tabletop exercise as needed
The purpose explains why the exercise is being held, the scope explains the goal, plan and length of the event, and the objectives indicate what the exercise should achieve. The objectives also help participants respond effectively to the scenario.
Decide on the scenario that will be used
Decide on the scenario that will be used, whether it is the smallpox outbreak scenario available with this resource kit, one of the scenarios from the list included with the kit or developed new, based on an existing scenario. The most effective scenario is one that is most likely to occur locally. Adapt the scenario as needed.
Distribute copies of the disaster plan to the planning team members
If an emergency plan already exists for the scenario topic, distribute copies of the disaster plan to the planning team members. This will help with the direction of the exercise.
Appoint a facilitator
Appoint a facilitator who will be responsible for directing participants through the exercise and scenario, leading large group discussions and keeping the agenda on track.
Identify potential attendees
Create a list of people to invite and distribute invitation letters. Include pediatricians and public health officials at the state and local levels. Consider a pre- exercise survey, allowing invitees to make suggestions for other stakeholders. A sample invitation letter is included with this resource kit.
Determine evaluation strategy
Decide whether you want to administer a pre- and post-exercise evaluation (to capture changes in understanding or skill) or a post-exercise evaluation (to evaluate the exercise itself). Both can occur, depending on what the planning team feels is important.
Adapt meeting materials as needed
Adapt, as necessary, the slides and written materials, including the agenda, scenario, discussion questions and survey.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics