The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) received funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct the Physician Engagement and Training Focused on Breastfeeding project. The project aims to engage physicians and multidisciplinary stakeholders to (1) increase availability and accessibility of medical provider education and training related to breastfeeding, and (2) improve capacity of medical practitioners to facilitate the safe implementation of evidence-based maternity care practices at the hospital level and within their practices, and to promote continuity of breastfeeding-related care in their communities.

Current Activities

  1. Learning Collaborative to Implement AAFP Model Policy: Breastfeeding and Lactation for Medical Trainees
    The AAP in partnership with the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) National Research Network will design, implement, and facilitate learning collaboratives with medical schools and residency programs interested in implementing or adapting AAFPs policy on Breastfeeding and Lactation for Medical Trainees. 
  2. Breastfeeding Curriculum
    The AAP is working with a multidisciplinary team of breastfeeding experts and stakeholders to update and expand essential materials on the Breastfeeding Curriculum website. 
  3. Culture Plan Supporting Breastfeeding Physicians and Trainees
    Develop a plan to create a culture of support for breastfeeding within the medical community, emphasizing support for breastfeeding medical practitioners at all levels of training as a part of medical practitioner wellness. Click here to download the Culture Plan and Culture Plan Infographics.
  4. ACOG Statement: The Physician's Role in Human Milk Feeding
    The AAP collaborated with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in the development of a document explaining the different types of lactation support personnel and how physicians can work effectively with them to support breastfeeding families.

Past Project Achievements

The AAP developed a comprehensive action plan that includes recommendations for addressing:  (1) gaps in breastfeeding training and education for physicians, with special emphasis on underserved populations and (2) training to support the safe implementation of evidence-based maternity practices supportive of breastfeeding. Strategies include integration of breastfeeding training in the various stages of formal medical education, encouraging culture change to support breastfeeding within the medical education and training process, and encouragement of continuity of care with community breastfeeding resources.

For additional project updates visit the Physician Education and Training Constellation webpage.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics