Help your patients achieve their breastfeeding goals with the below evidence-based practice tools and resources.

Infant and Family Support During Emergencies and Disasters

Health professionals need to be prepared to support breastfeeding families during an emergency or disaster.

Learn what you can do to support breastfeeding in the event of an emergency or disaster. 

Point of Care Resources

Resources for Your Practice

  • The Breastfeeding-Friendly Pediatric Office Practice
    As the breastfeeding rates in the US increase, there is now, more than ever, a need for health professionals who are able to care for and support breastfeeding families in their practice. This clinical report provides you with suggestions on how to have a breastfeeding friendly practice.
  • Sample Hospital Breastfeeding Policy for Newborns
    Many hospitals have practices that are detrimental to breastfeeding including the routine use of formula supplementation and free samples, pacifier use, and the separation of mother and infant. The AAP Section on Breastfeeding and the Section on Perinatal Pediatrics have written a sample breastfeeding hospital policy that outlines the policies and procedures that hospitals should take to support breastfeeding.
  • Lactation Support Providers Descriptors Table
    Lactation support personnel are described in detail in this easy to reference table.
  • Infant Risk Center
    The Infant Risk Center at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center helps evaluate the risk to infants from exposure to multiple kinds of medications due to lack of drug research in breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding Telephone Triage and Advice 4th Edition. Bunik M.2020
    Problem evidence-based protocols that assist in questions that may come up in person or over the phone.

Resources for Parents

  • Breastfeeding Helpline 800-994-9662
    The National Women's Health and Breastfeeding Helpline offers breastfeeding information anytime between 9 am and 6 pm Eastern Monday through Friday in English or Spanish.
    Find a ​vast library of articles ​​on breastfeeding from AAP experts designed to help families become more informed and find answers to common breastfeeding questions​.
  • New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding
    A basic breastfeeding 101 book for mothers, available for purchase, is a good overview of the experience of breastfeeding from initiation to weaning. 
    Great videos and information in English and Spanish.
    Many free, educational videos specifically to improve health care in resource-poor areas.

Current Research

  • Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care
    The CDC administered National Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) Survey includes questions on newborn feeding, feeding education, staff skills, and discharge support.
  • National Immunization Survey — Breastfeeding Rates
    The CDC administered National Immunization Survey includes questions pertaining to duration of breastfeeding. This Web site details the results of this survey on an annual basis.
  • Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM)
    ABM is a worldwide organization of medical providers dedicated to breastfeeding. ABM provides many breastfeeding statements, the journal Breastfeeding Medicine, and an annual conference.
  • Journal of Human Lactation
    The Journal of Human Lactation is an international multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal focused on human lactation and breastfeeding.

Government Agencies 

Breastfeeding Organizations & Non-Profits

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics