To date, research into alternate treatment shows that

Other alternative treatments include

  • Meditation and relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation improved pruritus and associated loss of sleep in patients with atopic dermatitis in one controlled trial with 25 patients. Additionally, a 2022 literature review of psychotherapeutic approaches concluded that alternative treatment options (eg, meditation, mindfulness, stress reduction) that address psychological factors associated with eczema are helpful adjuncts to conventional therapy.
  • Virgin coconut oil. Virgin coconut oil contains lauric acid, which has antibacterial properties. In at least one study it was shown to improve the skin barrier function of people with atopic dermatitis. However, its role in the management of atopic dermatitis remains to be determined.
  • Bathing routines. Parents may try different kinds of baths for their children to improve hydration of the skin and to remove bacteria and other potential triggers. Some baths they may safely try are
  • Colloidal oatmeal baths. Colloidal oatmeal appears to have anti-inflammatory and skin barrier–repair properties. Colloidal oatmeal is available commercially or can be made in a food processor from whole oats. Used in lukewarm water, in a bath of short duration, colloidal oatmeal has been shown to improve atopic dermatitis symptoms, including itch, in children and adults.
  • Baking soda bath or paste. The National Eczema Association suggests making a paste or bath of baking soda to soothe itch.
  • Bleach baths. In a 2022 systematic review and meta-analysis, for those with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, 1 in 10 patients showed a 50% improvement in severity scores. The National Eczema Association has a recipe for bleach baths.