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In the first full episode, hosts Joanna Parga-Belinkie, MD, FAAP and David Hill, MD, FAAP share why they became pediatricians and introduce listeners to the new podcast from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Guest interviews address two of the biggest issues facing children’s health today: drowning and vaccine hesitancy.



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Benjamin Hoffman, MD, FAAP


Benjamin Hoffman, MD, FAAP, is director of the Tom Sargent Safety Center at Doernbecher Children's Hospital and is director of the Oregon Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Needs. He is the chair of the AAP Council on Injury, Violence and Poison Prevention.

Twitter: @DrBenHoffman

Allison Kempe, MD, FAAP


Allison Kempe, MD, FAAP, is the Ergan Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Outcomes Research and a professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.


Prevention of Drowning
AAP Policy Statement
AAP Drowning Prevention
Campaign Toolkit

Conflict of Interest Disclosure:

The interviewees have no conflicts of interest to disclose

Music Credits:
"Steadfast" by Blue Dot Sessions at
Theme music composed by Matthew Simonson at

*The views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and not necessarily those of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

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