At any given time, AAP is actively working on hundreds of issues advancing child health and the professional and personal satisfaction of its members. The annual budget of the AAP varies year to year but is usually in the range of $115-125 Million. Member dues makes up 20-25% of the total revenue required to fulfill the mission and operate the AAP. For a membership organization, keeping dues under 30% of total revenue is considered "best in class". The remainder of revenue is generated from AAP programs; publishing business, scholarly journals, educational programs, and development (fundraising).
When looking at where dollars are expended it is impossible to separate out dues from the rest of the revenue generated. The budget of the AAP is developed based on forecasts of total cumulative revenue, rather than segmented revenue in each business unit. The $115-125 Million in revenue that is generated supports the following major areas of expense:
- Roughly 50% of expenditure is utilized to maintain and sustain the AAP's workforce. The AAP maintains a staff of 475 full and part-time staff that are second to none in providing service to members, contributing to the advance of AAP intellectual property, and advocating for children at the federal and state levels. This also includes contracts with consultants, both within and outside pediatrics, to carry out specific roles or develop specific materials.
- Roughly 25% of expenditure is utilized to bring AAP members, liaisons, and experts together to advance the AAP mission through research, policy development, and education. This includes support of the Council, Committee and Sections of the AAP as well as governmental and nongovernmental grant work awarded to AAP.
- Roughly 5-8% of expenditure is utilized for printing and shipping to support the AAP as the # 1 publisher of pediatric titles in the world including Red Book, PEDIATRICS, etc.
- Roughly 10-12% of expenditure is utilized for general administrative support such as building upkeep, IT, HR, Finance, supplies, etc.
There is overlap in each of these categories i.e. the staff is essential to the work of committees, but this is a general breakdown of major areas where dollars are allocated.