The need for materials to help those exploring and evaluating practices in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine derives from the many varied practice types within the subspecialty of neonatal-perinatal medicine and from the wide variety of professional activities that may fall within the workload of a practice. The Committee on Practice Management identified some of the areas and issues involving the “real world” that had eluded traditional medical curricula during the preparation of our first publication, Understanding a Practice Venue, JPerinatol 2002;22:Supl 1. In the years since its publication, neonatal practices have continued to evolve, diversify, and become more complex. After exploring options, the Committee opts to present the newly-developed and updated materials on the recently renovated Web site of the Section on Perinatal Pediatrics. We are grateful for the foundation provided by earlier committee members and contributors to the first document.
As mentioned in the first edition, the committee felt that the topics pertinent for job-seekers and in career development are similar to those analyses practices must do when they are to recruit or to engage in strategic planning. For those reasons, the material has been re-organized in a manner we hope will facilitate its use for all these endeavors, and the title has been changed to focus on the important concept of practice evaluation and analysis. Included among the materials are two workbooks: Career Planning Personal Workbook​ to aid individuals as they develop career interests and goals; and, the Practice Evaluation Workbook to provide a detailed outline for individuals exploring a potential position or for practices embarking on strategic planning.
As Co-chairs of the committee, we thank committee colleagues and chapter contributors for their hard work. We also thank the Section on Perinatal Pediatrics Executive Committee and the Organization of Neonatal Training Program Directors for ongoing support. The experience gained from fellows who have attended seminars on "life after fellowship" held at meetings in Districts VIII, VI, and IX has helped refocus many of our ideas and expand the content. Special thanks also to the several attorneys who volunteered their time and expertise at the District VIII and District VI seminars and who have allowed their materials to be adapted for the legal chapter. Special thanks to Raymond Pastorino, PhD, JD, whose insightful analysis of communication inspired much of the section on collegiality.
Lastly, we thank all of you who share our interest in making Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine a career in which individuals having diversified professional interests and priorities can work collaboratively and have a good time doing so.
Section on Perinatal Pediatrics, Subcommittee on Practice, 2008 - 2010
John V. Hartline, MD, FAAP, Project Coordinator, Co-chair
DeWayne Pursley, MD, Co-chair
Steven Block, MD, FAAP
Robert Cicco, MD, FAAP
Gilbert Martin, MD, FAAP
Michelle Walsh, MD, FAAP
Robert White, MD, FAAP
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics