Each year, the SOSM recognizes and honors an outstanding senior pediatrician actively engaged in advocacy to improve the lives of children. The AAP has a wealth of effective child advocates among its members. The Section annually encourages such advocacy through honoring outstanding contributions to child advocacy by a senior member (age 55+) of the AAP.

The AAP Senior Section Child Advocacy Award is named for Dr. Donald Schiff. It honors his brilliant career of advocacy for children as President of the AAP, his role as one of the founders of the Section on Senior Members, and his time as our liaison to the Committee on Federal Government Affairs (COFGA). He is also a past winner of the Grulee Award for outstanding service to the American Academy of Pediatrics. And he continues to write a column on children's advocacy issues for the Bulletin, our SOSM Newsletter.

The recipient must be a fellow of the AAP. SOSM membership is not required.

The recipient will be selected based upon outstanding long-term accomplishments as an advocate to enhance the well-being of children. As examples, the recipient may be working with legislators or other public employees, schools, or volunteering in other ways. Other forms of advocacy are also considered. Special consideration will be given to activities performed outside the scope of the nominee's regular position or employment.

The recipient will:

  • be honored at the Senior Section Program at the AAP National Conference and Exhibition (NCE)
  • receive a plaque and honorarium
  • receive one day registration to attend SOSM Section Program, reimbursement for airfare, two nights hotel, two days of meals (with receipts) and ground transportation for the in-person meeting
  • receive reimbursement for airfare, two nights hotel, two days of meals (with receipts) and ground transportation for the in-person meeting
  • be expected to make a brief presentation at Senior Section Program during the AAP National Conference and Exhibition
  • write one article related to the award for the Senior Section Online Bulletin

Nominations must come from an AAP Chapter. A letter of nomination from the Chapter President is required. Please email the nomination, a bios​ketch, and a detailed letter of recommendation to tdavis@aap.org.​ The deadline to submit nominations for the 2025 Award is February 26, 2025.

Biosketch template

Past recipients

​​Criteria for the AAP Section on Senior Members Child Advocacy Award

  1. The recipient must be 55 years or older and a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Senior Section membership is not required.

  2. Nominations will be limited to ONE per AAP Chapter (versus one from each STATE or PROVINCE). Please consider re-nominating members who have not yet been chosen. Current AAP Board members or members of the Senior Section executive committee are not eligible for the award.

  3. The recipient will be selected based upon outstanding long-term accomplishments as an advocate to enhance the well-being of children. For example, the recipient may be working with legislators or with employees in public or private agencies or schools, non-paid clinical or policy work with children or in other ways to enhance the health of children and families. Other forms of advocacy are equally considered, but special consideration will be given to activities performed outside the scope of the nominee’s regular position or employment. (Please note that the awardee selection is based exclusively on outstanding advocacy efforts and should be distinguished from general voluntarism, regardless of merit).

  4. One award will be presented annually, however if an appropriate recipient cannot be identified, the award need not be presented every year.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics