Section Membership is open to the following Member types:
- Associate Members
- Candidate Members
- Corresponding Fellows
- Fellows
- Fellowship Trainees
- Honorary Fellows
- International Members
- Medical Students
- National Affiliates
- Residents
- Senior Members
- Specialty Fellows
Medical Students, Residents and Fellowship Trainees - $0*
All other National member types - $25*
Section Affiliates - $25*
(*in addition to national dues)
Special Requirements:
- Must have an interest in and commitment to delivering and enhancing pediatric palliative care.
National AAP Members
- National Members are not required to submit any additional documentation with their application
Section Affiliate members
- Medical Professionals who do not qualify for National AAP membership including: social workers, nurses and other members of the palliative care community.
Medical Professional Section Affiliate Applicants must submit
- Certification and/or licensure, as relevant to the individual’s field
- A letter of recommendation from a licensed physician colleague demonstrating active engagement in pediatric hospice or palliative care
- Parents (adult caregivers who have been the primary caregiver and decision maker for a child with a life-threatening condition; may include grandparents, foster parents and other non-biological parents) who have experienced pediatric hospice and/or palliative care, and who are committed to the ongoing development of the field of pediatric hospice and palliative medicine are welcome to apply as affiliate members of the Section. Applicants must be able to provide evidence that they have served in an advisory capacity to a hospice and/or palliative care program or have had significant involvement as a parent advocate in organizations that help families and children living with special pediatric healthcare needs, terminal conditions or bereavement.
Parent Section Affiliate Applicants must submit
- A letter from an involved, licensed physician
- A 1-page personal essay
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics