​Internationa​l Elective Award

Each academic year, the AAP designates several $1000 awards in two cycles (September and March) to residents and fellowship trainee members who wish to complete a clinical pediatric elective in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) during residency. Resident applicants must be enrolled in pediatric residency training programs that are approved for credit toward certification by the American Board of Pediatrics, the American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or La Corporation Professionelle des Medecins du Quebec. Awards are given solely on the basis of the application and the accompanying form from your program director, faculty mentor/advisor or global health director. Please note that applicants must be a member of the Section on Global Health.

To apply for an International Elective Award, please click here. Questions about this award? Contact us.

Travel Awards

Travel awards for two Low/Middle Income Country first authors (1 trainee and 1 non-trainee) will be awarded to a presenter of an accepted abstract at the SOGH Program at the National Conference and Exhibition. Each of the awards will be worth up to $3,000. Presenters who wish to apply for this award will submit with a 1-2 paragraph description of their need for travel support to attend the conference, planned use of the funds, and professional background.​​

Hillman Olness Global Partner Award

The Hillman Olness Global Partner Award for lifetime service and lasting contributions to global child health was established in 2011 in honor of Liz Hillman, the late Donald Hillman, and Karen Olness.  It recognizes individuals who have devoted their careers to advancing global child health. 

This award recognizes a member of AAP/SOGH for his/her lifetime service and lasting contributions to global child health. This award honors a leader and champion of global child health who has exemplified the importance of equitable bilateral partnerships and sustainable collaboration to improve the health of children across the world. The award aims to honor individuals who have spent a majority of their career working in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) with a specific emphasis on those who have developed and facilitated partnerships with AAP or SOGH members.  The award will be given to a global child health champion whose long-term work has been focused on improving the health and well-being of children in any low-resource settings through education, clinical care, research, or advocacy. Previous recipients are not eligible. A call for nominees is issued each spring.

A commemorative award will be presented to the recipient at the SOGH program at  the AAP National Conference and Exhibition.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics