Welcome to ICATCH!

Our International Community Access to Child Health (ICATCH) program is dedicated to improving the health of children in some of the poorest regions of the world.

International Community Access to Child Health (ICATCH) is a highly dedicated team of pediatricians from US and around the world working together to provide funding for pediatric community health projects to healthcare partners in low-income and low-middle- income countries. Each year, we award up to 3-year grants worth $2500 per year to up to 8 healthcare providers or educators working to advance child health. Since our launch in 2007, ICATCH has funded 113 projects in 45 countries.

In addition to partnerships with the Section on Global Health and other AAP sections, we are supported by donations from pediatric colleagues and individuals with a drive for global health and helping children in need. Please consider donating online here or via check (c/o AAP Development, PO Box 7525, Carol Stream, IL 60197-7525 ).


Get to Know Us

Learn More
Our Team
Meet our team of pediatricians from the US and around the world.
Find answers to questions commonly asked about ICATCH.
ICATCH's Impact
Learn more about how ICATCH is working to help children throughout the world.
Ways to Donate
View information on how to donate to ICATCH.

Donate to ICATCH!

Over the past decade, thanks to our generous donors, we have supported 98 programs in 42 countries. Please donate to ICATCH so we can help even more healthcare workers improve child health in their communities.

Make your gift online or via check to ICATCH c/o AAP Development, PO Box 7525, Carol Stream, IL 60197-7525.


Learn how to apply for the next grant cycle.



Other Funding Opportunities
View resources for continued funding and partnerships.
Past and Current Grants
Find information about past projects, grantees and country locations.
Volunteer with ICATCH
View information on volunteering with ICATCH.
Resources for Project Development and Evaluation
View resources that may be helpful for improving your skills in proposal development, grant writing, program evaluation and child health advocacy.
SOGH Travel Award Fundraising
Find out more about the current SOGH Travel Award fundraising efforts.
Contact Us
Find out how you can get in touch with us.