Dear SOEPHE Members
Happy New Year !
I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are eager to join in the activities of SOEPHE.
I would like to introduce myself as the new Chair of the Section on Epidemiology, Public Health and Evidence. And thank Michael J. Smith MD, MSCE for his incredible leadership over the past years.
So … who are we and what do we do? Please see our vision and mission statement which highlights are the most important parts of what we do.
But it is really up to you, the membership, to help drive our activities. Responding to last year’s survey on involvement with SOEPHE, we are trying to find new ways to engage membership in all activities.
Please join us in our education and membership committees. Meet us at our virtual meetings (stay tuned for details). Help us focus on and highlight the work in public health that all pediatricians do on a daily basis. Help bus be creative in ways to engage the section membership and to spread the message of the role we play in the pediatric world.
Recently Kymika Okechukwu (who we cannot thank enough for keeping us on target) sent out a survey to help identify those members who consider themselves methodologists so that we can call on you when we are asked to participate in Clinical Guidelines Development. Thank you to those who responded - and if you missed this, just drop us a note and let us know of your interest and skills. We need you.
Looking forward, our education sessions at the NCE will be focusing more on posters as we move forward. Stay tuned for details but we encourage you to think of how you might want to present the work that you do.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have other ideas about how we make SOEPHE better!
Thank you for all you do on behalf of our children,
Sheila L Palevsky MD MPH FAAP
Chair, Section on Epidemiology, Public Health and Evidence