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Membership in the Section is open to Medical Students, Residents, Fellowship Trainees, Candidates, Fellows, Specialty Fellows, Honorary Fellows, Senior Members, Corresponding Fellows, National Affiliates, and International members of the Academy with an interest in bioethics. An affiliate membership category has been established for licensed physicians who are not eligible for membership in the Academy, and licensed allied health professionals, actively involved in ethics committees.
Both full and affiliate members of the Section receive the following benefits:
- Access to section-sponsored programs at Academy national meetings at no charge above the general meeting registration fee
- Access to the section listserv which encourages member discussion on the bioethical care for kids
- Unrestricted access to the section member collaboration site
- The biannual Section on Bioethics Newsletter and other section correspondence
- Networking opportunities at the Section meeting held in conjunction with the National Conference & Exhibition
- The opportunity to participate in educational program development and the Section’s case of the month, which highlights bioethical issues and best practices in addressing the various issues
Affiliate members receive the following benefits:
- The option to purchase Academy publications at the AAP member rate (The Academy produces a wide range of professional publications and patient education materials which are significantly discounted for Academy members and section affiliate members.)
- A subscription to AAP News, the Academy's monthly newsletter, which features articles and updates on current issues in child health, the legislative arena, Academy activities, and more
- Ability to propose educational programs at national Academy meetings through the Section on Bioethics
- Access to Section staff for questions and additional information on Academy activities
- Opportunities to make pediatric contacts at the local level for networking purposes
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics