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2025 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Virtual Course

Itasca, IL



Coming Soon!

Sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the AAP Section on Infectious Diseases, and the Pediatric Infections Diseases Society.

July 18-20, 2025

The 2025 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Virtual Course offers top-quality educational content in a virtual setting. The virtual format incorporates both pre-course on-demand presentations and real-time participation and interaction with expert faculty through general sessions, breakout sessions and question-and-answer sessions.

Registration will open in April 2025!

Are you a primary care pediatrician experiencing an increase in patients presenting to your practice with various infectious disease concerns? Are you an Infectious Diseases subspecialist interested in staying current in the field or preparing for recertification?

The 2025 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Virtual Course: A Comprehensive Review for Primary and Subspecialty Practitioners is designed to meet your needs. The course has been designed with content and specific presentations to meet the educational needs of primary care and subspecialist pediatricians and other practitioners with an interest in pediatric infectious diseases and focuses on current information that can be employed immediately in their daily practices.

Why You Should Attend the 2025 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Virtual Course

  • Weekend real-time sessions paired with on-demand recorded lectures available in advance of the course maximize your flexibility and enhance learning.
  • Top-quality education with expert faculty provides current and practical pediatric information to take back to your office and use right away.

Activity Code: ID2501

Contact AAP Registration
800-433-9016, option 3 - Toll Free US & Canada
630-626-6000, option 3 - Outside US & Canada
Hours: 8:00AM-4:30PM CT Monday thru Friday

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2025 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Virtual Course

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