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Pediatric Collections: Enriching Pediatric Learning: A Guidebook for Preceptors [eBook]

Price: $49.00
Member Price: $39.00


This collection is intended to optimize the medical education and practical teaching techniques to improve clinical observation, feedback, assessment, and evaluation. This collection is applicable to the busy preceptor in a variety of settings—rural or regional or urban practice, community hospital, or academic center. This collection guides Pediatric clinical teachers on fostering humanism in pediatrics, developing non-cognitive skills in a supportive learning environment; setting expectations and building highly effective teams; empowering learners; understanding and implementing Entrustable Professional Activities from the Association of American Medical Colleges; optimizing SUPERmodeling; bedside teaching and patient encounters with exam room as classroom; shared decision making; promoting clinical reasoning and reflection; and fostering medical professionalism.

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  • ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-583-6
  • Product Code: APC025
  • Publication Date: July 31, 2021
  • Format: eBook
  • Pages: 135
  • Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Availability: In Stock

Pediatric Collections: Enriching Pediatric Learning: A Guidebook for Preceptors [eBook]

Price:: 49.00

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