Pediatricians can use their voices to elevate the importance of voting for elected leaders who put children first.  

The AAP offers several tools to help pediatricians raise awareness of the importance of voting with children’s needs in mind.  

Key Vote Kids Messages

Here are several top messages that describe what it means to Vote Kids:  

  • Election Day is Tuesday, November 5. 
  • Candidates elected to positions up and down the ballot will shape policies that directly impact the health of young people, families and communities.  
  • Voting is one of the most powerful ways to influence change at the local, state and national levels.  
  • Kids can’t vote, but pediatricians can. 
  • As pediatricians, we know what children need to thrive. That is why I plan to Vote Kids on Election Day. 
  • Right now, there is so much at stake when it comes to the sweeping public health issues that are impacting children, teens, families and communities.  
  • It is critical that we elect leaders at all levels of government who prioritize children’s health and pass policies that are most supportive of their health and well-being. 
  • Together, we can vote with children’s needs in mind on Election Day. I hope you will join me! 
  • And, for my patients who are old enough to vote, my message to you is to vote like your future depends on it. 
  • Voting is a small act that can make a big difference.  

Sample Social Media Messages

Share why you #VoteKids on social media! Below are sample social media messages and downloadable graphics for posting. Be sure to use the hashtag #VoteKids in your messages: 

Sample social media messages: 

  • Election Day is November 5! There’s so much at stake when it comes to public policies that impact the health of kids and teens. Together, we can vote with children’s needs in mind on Election Day. I hope you’ll join me! #VoteKids
  • Candidates elected to positions up and down the ballot will shape policies that directly impact the health of kids. Pediatricians can help mobilize our peers, eligible patients, and their parents to vote because the health of all children depends on us! #VoteKids
  • Voting is one of the most powerful ways to influence change at the local, state and national levels. Kids can’t vote, but pediatricians can.  That’s why I plan to #VoteKids on Election Day.
  • As a pediatrician, I know what children need to thrive. We just need elected leaders at all levels of government to prioritize children’s health! That’s why I plan to #VoteKids on Election Day, November 5th. What about you?

Downloadable Graphics

Kids Can’t Vote. We Can. Graphic

Vote Kids Graphic

Vote Kids Graphic: Teens

Vote for Children's Futures: Video

Public Health Outcomes: Video

Vote Kids Virtual Background

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics