CHAMP is a peer-reviewed tool that links CPTI gold-standard training objectives to Milestones-based competencies as defined by the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). This tool can help advocacy training directors identify strengths and weaknesses in their training programs and demonstrate the value of their curricula in terms of assessment of competence towards the milestones. Since many of the competencies linked to the CPTI objectives are more difficult to assess in traditional clinical experiences, the value of community health and advocacy training within a program may be recognized and enhanced.

This tool allows residency programs to map their curricula in community health and advocacy training to the goals and objectives developed by CPTI, and link these curricular activities to Milestone-based competencies/sub-competencies. This will allow programs to accurately and more easily report on trainee performance and progress in community health and advocacy along the relevant Milestones. ​Most importantly, many of the Milestone-based competencies and sub-competencies that can be assessed using community health and advocacy training are those that are difficult to assess in other parts of residency training, demonstrating the value of community health and advocacy training to the residency program. Finally, this process can serve as a model for mapping curricula in other parts of the training program to the Milestones.


CHAMP Mapping Tool​

Completed Map Examples

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics