Key Driver: Build capacity and resources to sustain the program
Identifying internal and external resources and tools – including time, funding and relationships – enhances the ability to effectively engage in evidence-based community child health activities.
How do I leverage my ​resou​rces?
Establish relationships with the hospital development office or others who have relationships with local funders.
Familiarize yourself with grant opportunities through the AAP and community organizations.
Identify the internal support/resources for your efforts, including protected time. Demonstrating outcomes strengthens opportunities for additional support.
Besides me, ​​who are the​​ champions (present and future) in/for my program?
Good leaders begin succession planning on Day 1.
Mentor house staff and junior faculty so that you develop partners who will not only help you do great things now, but also be prepared to assume leadership roles over time.
How do I kee​​p thi​​​s up?
Though community and advocacy work may feel lonely sometimes, you are not alone in this work. You really do have resources or the opportunity to enhance them.
Like-minded colleagues can be invaluable in sharing their experiences or helping you identify steps you can take within your institution to sustain your program.
Try to set expectations that are achievable with current resources but then strive for more.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics