Key Driver: Build an effective team to lead the work, including residents
Having th​e right people with complementary skill sets can advance a program to the next level. ​
​​Who makes up my program's core team for leading community health and advo​​​cacy training? Who could be part of an extended team/advisory board?
Consider the size and needs of your program to help determine your team's composition and goals. Think about those who can help you with expertise and knowledge, those who can help you plan, and those who can help you implement your program. There will likely be some overlap, but not everyone will be able to help at every level.
Team members will vary, but successful teams often include: faculty leaders, house staff leaders or chief residents, Residency Program Director, department leadership, community-based organizations and community leaders, governmental programs (e.g. WIC, Head Start, Health Department), Family as Faculty, Medical Legal Partnership, AAP chapter, and institutional government relations/external affairs staff.
Consider internal/external mentors and coaches in overall program, curriculum or leadership development. It is also important to keep in mind any potential opponents who may resist your efforts and to build your team accordingly.
How will my program's team (core and exten​​ded) function?
Develop a communication plan that works for your team's style, schedule and available resources. Plan for how often your team will meet and the potential of a shared online workspace.
At the heart of your team should be the important value that you are working WITH the community, not doing things TO the community. An effective team will be cognizant of "authentic partnerships"- true, mutually beneficial partnerships – and focus less on hierarchical relationships.
What is our team trying to achieve? What program management tools/quality improvement to​​ols would be helpful? (e.g. aim statements, PDSA cycles)
Establish clear, achievable goals and objectives that align with your mission. Make certain you have consensus on your desired outcomes and the roadmap that will get you there.
Consider planning tools like logic models or SWOT analyses to identify resources and needs, and get the whole team together on the same page. Have a measurement plan for evaluating your progress and utilize QI tools, such as Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, to test changes on a small scale.
Last Updated