Leonard P Rome C​​​ATC​​H Visiting Professorship
CPTI partners with the CATCH program to offer this opportunity, which promotes advocacy for children and advances the field of community pediatrics. This program will support up to 5 accredited pediatric residency programs with a maximum of $4,500 each to implement 2- or 3-day programs that provide an opportunity for pediatric faculty and residents, community pediatricians, community- based organizations and others to interact with leading professionals on community health and advocacy topics.
View the list of current grantees and read descriptions of their projects​.
Rome VP Guidelines
Rome VP Application
Celebrating 25 Years of the Rome VP
Advocacy Training Grants
CPTI supports 4 pediatric faculty-resident pairs annually to attend the AAP Advocacy Conference. Following the conference, the faculty-resident pairs are required to implement an educational project in collaboration with their AAP chapter to strengthen the advocacy skills of their trainees. The AAP chapter will receive up to $1,000 in grant funds to support this advocacy project.
Current grantees and descriptions of their projects.
Residency programs awarded in 2023 and 2024 are NOT eligible to apply this year.
Grant Writing Tools
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics