Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) supports pediatricians in their efforts to collaborate within their communities to advance the health of all children.

Celebrating 30 years of CATCH! Watch this video about CATCH’s impact on innovation, advocacy, and leadership development.

“This experience was truly a professional game changer for me; I learned so much about leadership and becoming engaged in the community.”

CATCH Call for Proposals Open Now! Read this overview

Learn More

What is the AAP CATCH Program?

The Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) program is a flagship initiative of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Over the past 30 years, the AAP CATCH program has funded nearly 1200 pediatricians (fellows and fellowship trainees) and 700 pediatric trainees, to collaborate within their communities creating positive change for children, including child health improvements, increased access to care, and innovative strategies to address child health disparities. AAP CATCH grant recipients indicate many professional rewards from their involvement: new skills for community advocacy; mentorship; leadership opportunities; and impacts on their career trajectories.

CATCH also engages a network of volunteer pediatricians -- Chapter CATCH Facilitators and District Resident Liaisons -- who provide feedback and support to those seeking funding as well as assistance once a project has started. Learn more about the assistance that is available.

Donate Now

Show your support for the Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) program, now celebrating its 30th anniversary. Your gift to CATCH provides more opportunities for pediatricians to meaningfully engage with communities to improve child health. Designate your contribution for CATCH programming now, or for the future through the CATCH Endowment.

Extend the impact to support pediatrician-lead, community-centered programs.

Step 1:
Create your fundraiser

Start your own fundraiser or join an existing group to help CATCH reach its goal. It takes just a minute to get going.

Step 2:
Share your link

Use the fundraiser link to share with friends, family, colleagues and community partners.

Step 3:
Track your progress

Keep track of your fundraiser’s progress and see who’s showing support through your dashboard.

CATCH starts with community partnerships and pediatricians taking a chance to make a difference. Make a difference now and participate in your AAP District’s fundraising team to support the CATCH 30th anniversary campaign.

Join your AAP District team to donate or take it a step further and work with your District team to meet and surpass our fundraising goals. (Not sure of your district? Check out the AAP District Map)

Our Supporters

The AAP CATCH Program is made possible through the support of Roots & Wings Foundation with additional support from various AAP Sections and Councils and donations to the AAP Friends of Children Fund.

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American Academy of Pediatrics