The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) through funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and in collaboration with the World Health Organization, other implementing organizations and several national professional societies, is excited to showcase a series of webinars aimed at promoting new evidence on immediate Kangaroo Mother Care (iKMC), supporting a paradigm shift to zero separation between mothers and their newborn babies with a goal to improve quality of care and outcomes for small and sick newborns.

Episode 1

The Science of iKMC

Watch Episode 1 to get an overview of the science behind immediate Kangaroo Mother Care (iKMC) and WHO study findings.

Episode 2


iKMC Readiness and Implementation

Episode 2 teaches you how to implement and integrate iKMC to small and sick newborn care.

Episode 3

Policy and Guidelines for iKMC

Episode 3 features a discussion of the policy and guidelines developed  to support iKMC.

French Virtual News Show

Immediate Kangaroo Mother Care in Francophone West Africa: Bridging Gaps in Small and Sick Newborn Care

iKMC Program Wrap-Up

Lessons Learned and Opportunities for Growth


Sick and Small Newborn Care model of care publication
View a comprehensive model for scaling up care for small and/or sick newborns at district level–based on country experiences presented at a WHO-UNICEF expert consultation
Launch of WHO recommendations for care of the preterm or low-birth-weight infant
On World Prematurity Day 2022, 17th November 2022, The Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing, World Health Organization Geneva launched new recommendations based on new evidence that has emerged that can improve the care of preterm or low birth weight babies.
Zero Separation: Together for Better Care!
Project Report from Global Alliance of Newborn Care
iKMC and Survival of Infants with Low Birth Weight
WHO Immediate KMC Study Group, The New England Journal of Medicine
Kangaroo mother care started immediately after birth critical for saving lives, new research shows
The results of a new clinical trial published today in the New England Journal of Medicine, show that immediate kangaroo mother care, which involves skin-to-skin contact with the mother and exclusive breastfeeding, started as soon as a preterm or low birthweight baby is born, dramatically improves survival.
Immediate Kangaroo Care (iKMC) to Improve Survival of Low Birth Weight Infants
A Town Hall of International Experts hosted by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Contact iKMC

For more information, please contact us.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics