Applications for AAP President-Elect Now Closed

The NNC will meet in April 2025 to review the submissions and select a group of AAP members to interview. On May 16-18, 2025, the NNC will conduct in-person interviews in Itasca, Illinois with selected members and identify two final candidates to run for President-elect in the 2025 AAP election.

The term of office for the President-Elect will begin January 1, 2026 and the successful candidate will serve 3 years; as President-elect in 2026, as President in 2027, and as Immediate Past-President in 2028.


2024 National Election Results

Andrew D. Racine, M.D., Ph.D., FAAP


Andrew D. Racine, M.D., Ph.D., FAAP will take over as president on Jan. 1, 2026, following Susan J. Kressly, M.D., FAAP, who will serve as president in 2025.

Results for additional AAP national offices are listed below. Those elected will take office on Jan. 1, 2025.

District I National Nominating Committee representative 
Brenda Anders Pring, M.D., FAAP

District III Chairperson
Lenore Renée Jarvis, M.D., M.Ed., FAAP

District III Vice Chairperson
Monique Soileau-Burke, M.D., FAAP

District IV National Nominating Committee representative
Jason Yaun, M.D., FAAP

District VI Chairperson
Claudia Preuschoff, M.D., FAAP

District VI Vice Chairperson
Kathy M. Anderson, M.D., FAAP

District VII National Nominating Committee representative
Susan Averitt, M.D., FAAP

District IX Chairperson
Eric H. Ball, M.D., FAAP

There were no position vacancies in Districts II, V, VIII or X.