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Promoting Mental Health in Children and Adolescents Paperback and eBook Package

Price: $135.00
Member Price: $108.00


Buy Print Book and Save 50% on eBook with this exclusive package offer!

Promoting Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: Primary Care Practice and Advocacy focuses on primary and secondary prevention, guiding pediatric care clinicians in incorporating mental health screening and surveillance into well child visits and provides evidence-based interventions to care for children and adolescents with mental health issues. Gain in-depth guidance on the care of special populations of children who may be at increased risk for mental health problems: those exposed to adverse childhood experiences; children in military families; lesbian, gay and bisexual youth; children with gender expression and identity issues; children affected by racism; adolescents who are pregnant or parenting, and much more.


This package is available for individual sale only. For institutions interested in licensing AAP ebook acces for your organization, please visit

Product Code: MA0886P

Promoting Mental Health in Children and Adolescents [eBook]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: eBook

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-228-6

Product Code: MA0886

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: In Stock

Promoting Mental Health in Children and Adolescents [Paperback]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: Paperback

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-227-9

Product Code: MA0886

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: In Stock

Promoting Mental Health in Children and Adolescents Paperback and eBook Package

Price:: 135.00

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