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Pediatric Collections: Adolescent Health Care Part 3: Transition of Care Paperback and eBook Package

Price: $98.00
Member Price: $78.00


In book 3 of this 3-part series, we are pleased to present an extensive collection of adolescent health articles that address transition planning among US youth with and without special health care needs, transitioning pediatric patients to adult care and providing a primary care medical home, and care coordination for patients with chronic illness. Get practice-based guidance on key elements of transition planning.

This package is available for individual sale only.

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Product Code: APC034P

Pediatric Collections: Adolescent Health Care Part 3: Transition of Care [Paperback]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: Paperback

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-708-3

Product Code: APC034

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: In Stock

Pediatric Collections: Adolescent Health Care Part 3: Transition of Care [eBook]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: eBook

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-709-0

Product Code: APC034

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: In Stock

Pediatric Collections: Adolescent Health Care Part 3: Transition of Care Paperback and eBook Package

Price:: 98.00

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