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Child Abuse: Medical Diagnosis and Management, 4th Edition Paperback and eBook Package

Price: $202.00
Member Price: $162.00


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Written and edited by a vast array of the world's leading experts on child abuse and neglect, this indispensable resource clearly explains the signs, symptoms, and injuries of a child who has been abused; techniques for taking the medical history and examining children who may have been abused; and guidance on medicolegal principles.

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Product Code: MA0938P

Child Abuse: Medical Diagnosis and Management, 4th Edition [Paperback]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: Paperback

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-358-0

Product Code: MA0938

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: In Stock

Child Abuse: Medical Diagnosis and Management, 4th Edition [eBook]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: eBook

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-359-7

Product Code: MA0938

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: In Stock

Child Abuse: Medical Diagnosis and Management, 4th Edition Paperback and eBook Package

Price:: 202.00

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