In partnership with Share Our Strength, we are committed to ensuring the food security of children and families across the country.  We believe strongly in partnership, collaboration, and collective impact to reach those communities where the need is greatest.


White House Highlighted Commitment

By 2030, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the anti-hunger nonprofit Share Our Strength commit to offering training to all 67,000 AAP member pediatricians on both screening for nutrition insecurity and referring patients to federal and community nutrition resources. AAP will also evaluate its training by tracking its members’ comfort discussing food insecurity, members’ screening rates for nutrition insecurity, and the outcomes of pediatrician referrals. View the white house commitment from the No Kid Hungry by Share Our Strength’s lens here.

The voices of families and those with lived experience are crucial to the work of our partnership.

Please watch the video below to learn about the importance of lifting up the family voice.


No Kid Hungry is a public-private coalition working to end childhood hunger. The partnership between Share Our Strength and the American Academy of Pediatrics is ending childhood hunger by ensuring kids get the food they need.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics